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Wordmaker is a tool you can easily unscramble any word and find all the word combinations which can be formed out of them. You will also get to know the scrabble point it (The word) is worth. Just search any word and find all the meaningful words which can be formed of different letter length in one go.

Word games are one of the popular puzzles across the world. While it’s a great past time with friends or loved ones, it also exercises your brain cells improving the overall functioning of the brain. While there are hundreds of word games online these days ready to play, word board games have an essence of their own. When you are done with the typical board games, a good word game works as a great alternative.

Scrabble is one such board game that has been around for years now and still equally popular. It’s a perfect game to play with friends and family while you bond over fun. So, if you want to beat your friends in this game and leave them irked, get help with “words with friends word finder”.

What is Scrabble?

It’s a word board game which requires minimum two to maximum of four players. Each block features a letter and you need to create words by arranging these letter blocks onto a board which is segregated into 15X15 square grids. The words can be formed in crossword style and can read from left to right in a row or downwards in a column. These should be words with a proper meaning and that are defined in the standard dictionary.

Origin and History of Scrabble

The name, Scrabble, is owned by Hasbro, Inc. located in the United States and Canada. Everywhere else it is owned by Mattel. Available in 29 different languages in 121 countries, around 150 million of Scrabble sets are already sold across the world. What’s interesting is, that there are around 4000 Scrabble clubs across the world.

The game was designed by an American architect named Alfred Mosher Butts in 1938. This was a variation of the older version of a game called Lexiko, designed by him. He named the new game as “Criss-Crosswords” and added 15x15 gameboard and the gameplay in crossword style.

The name was changed to Scrabble by James Brunot in 1948, who was one of the few owners of the original game (Criss-Crosswords). He also rearranged the premium grids on the board slightly and made the rules easier. The big break for Scrabble they say, came in 1952 when the president of Macy’s, Jack Stratus, played the game during holidays.

The game received its trademark in 1972. Scrabble was also turned into a TV show on NBC that ran from 1984 to 1990., and then again for a few months in 1993. In 2004, it was added to the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2004.

How to Play Scrabble?

Scrabble is a fun, classic game that is loved by all, but not everyone knows how to play it properly. There are set up rules accompanying each game that most of us do not want to read through. While you must read the instruction sent along with the game set, you can also watch the online video tutorials helping you to better understand the game.

The primary aim of the game is to earn the most points by making fresh meaningful words on the board that should be connected to the words formed by your fellow players.

This popular word game is played by 2 to 4 players at a time. The game set contains a square board with 15 squares high and 15 squares wide, each of which fits in a single letter tile. It comes with 100 tiles to be used in the game of which 98 of them are letters and point values. The remaining two tiles are blank that can be used as wild tiles to replace any letter. If you play a blank, it will be continued to be used as the letter it was used for.

Different letters have different point values in the game. It will be based on how rare is the letter and how challenging it may be to use that letter? Blank tiles hold no point value.


Best Word Unscramble tool found online

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Price = Free

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OsClass is best in class classified script built on php mysql. The best thing about this script is the design. Glossy buttons, plenty of customizable themes, available in five languages "English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Català" and ready to use plugins. If you want to build a highly scalable classified site like gumtree , then this is the thing to go.

GumTree classified clone script

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Demo  /  Download

Price = Free

Lite Commerce is a free shopping CMS which work like amazon and ebay clone script. The greatness lies in its simplicity and cool design elements based on Jquery. On clicking a product it gets added to shopping cart with help of animated jquery and thus users can checkout after filling out the details. The cms is customizable and script is ready for you to take home and play around to convert it into your business need.
 Lite Commerce is based on drupal and is an open source which can be extended with help of extensions. The product sale is compatible with Google checkout , PayPal and other payment vendors.
   Also it is greatly enhanced with features such as catalog  management and order history for users etc.

Litecommerce - Free Amazon clone script via Drupal

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job script php

Price = Free

Jobappr is a free job board script in php for those , who love the thing simple and straight forward. SEO friendly url and faster loading time are some of the cool feature associated with the product. You will always have the option to go for earning through paid posting on your website, even if you don't want to go for other monetizing methods. Wriiten in php and mysql its one of the best script for job based website ever been seen. A nice WYSIWYG editor is also there eradicating to go gor tinymce dependance. RSS feeds for posted jobs make it more optimized job software than it already is.

Free php job board with paid posting feature

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Demo  /  Download

Price = Free

Do you know whats the single most reason for Facebook success. The ability to share something and get liked or commented on that shared thing sparks a conversation and make people stick to Facebook. Every time you open your home page , you wanna see if an update has arrived. It can be anything, pics, videos, links which interest your friends and you.
                  Friendika is a Free Facebook clone script written in PHP and MySQL , which you can download and install to run your very own community like facebook. 

Features - 

  • The registration is secure and requires email confirmation.
  •  It pulls profile picture from and thus no more blank picture are scattered around the portal.
  • Share photos, videos from Youtube and links.
  • Likes and unlinke system like Facebook. Although Facebook don't have a unlike button.
  • All in all the simplest social networking clone i have seen after oxwall.

Free Facebook clone script in php

By Sharma →
wordpress article directory plugin

Price = $17
Article directories run on a simple concept. You give me articles and i will give you backlinks and free promotion. These are platforms where a webmaster or blogger can showcase their article in order to build reputation of their portal and backlinks for SEO. 
                                            Here is wordpress plugin to turn your wordpress website in to a article directory. The advantage being that no one can recognize that its built on wordpress , except you the Admin. 

          Building a portal on wordpress is always safe as compared to buying a PHP script from elsewhere. The wordpress script from its core is a stable script and you can always customize it. The plugins are only the customization in required format and nothing else.

Article directory plugin wordpress - ezinedirectory, articlebase and hubpages clone script

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digg clone script in php

Demo / Download
Price = Free

Social bookmarking websites become a success easily as in order to build links or to promote websites on internet, users tend to submit content on these type of websites, and thus slowly these websites rise up on the waves of user generated content. Digg, reddit are the biggest user traffic websites, but when pligg first launched the digg clone, thousands of bookmarking websites came in the web 2.0 arena built on pligg.
                                      Now Hotaru CMS is replicating pligg and have launched a bookmarking script for free , written in PHP and my sql. The cms will be built on voting system where the best news story will come up on the home page based on number of votes. The CMS claims to launch a series of plugins in future to customize it according to users and i am sure it will earn through those moderately priced plugins.

      This is really weird. People first say their script as open source and then sell plugins and earn cash.

Digg clone script - Hotaru CMS

By Sharma →
99acres, makaan and magicbricks clone

Price = $89
  1. One Click – Automatic install of the theme. No technical knowledge required (view details)
  2. Five detailed color schemes
  3. Fully customizable front page and many widget ready areas across all the pages/posts.
  4. Excellent Support
  5. PSD File Included with multiple use license
  6. Multi level drop down menu
  7. Custom page templates such as archives, full width page, sitemap, contact page etc.
  8. Custom built, dynamic widgets that you can use multiple times.
  9. Standard wordpress Blog & Pages
  10. Gravatar Support & Threaded Comments
  11. Built-in Ad Monetization
  12. Widget Ready with custom widgets
  13. Valid, Cross browser compatible

99acres, makaan and magicbricks clone script

By Sharma →
youtube clone script

Price = Free
For those who know joomla , dantro video gives you a single click install option for running your own youtube like website. You can easily import videos from youtube as well as upload your own videos to it. Completely open source model for running a video cms like website where users can upload, share , rate and comment on video media. These type of video cms are quite popular these days as even if a video is on youtube and you are importing it with providing a unique title of yours, it gives you an advantage in search engines.

Free youtube clone script via Joomla - Dentro video

By Sharma →

Demo  /  Download

Price = Free

Here is a twitpic clone script and that too an open source. Drippic is a drupal based module which can be installed to run a twitpic like website.The features are as followed :
  • Users can login via twitter.
  • Uploading automatically tweets the picture link.
  • Registered user can post comments on pics.
  • iPhone users can set up mobile upload and tweet.
About Twitpic - TwitPic became a success story just by manipulating the image advantage. People use it frequently to upload images and share it on their twitter account via twitter. People refer to the link and visit twitpic to see the picture. Hugely popular website with alexa rank below 500.

Free TwitPic Clone script in PHP

By Sharma →

Demo  /  Download

Price = Free
Tutorialzine have created an Ajax Chat script which you can use on your site for free. The best point is that it fetches the profile picture from Gravatar websites. In this web 2.0 world where most of the users have a gravatar picture, this chat can be very useful for wordpress blogs and websites to give the incoming user a platform to interact. It is one of the best open source chat script i have ever seen and that too in php and mysql.

Free Ajax chat script from Tutorialzine

By Sharma →
website outlook clone

Demo  /  Download

Price = $12

Website outlook clone script
seostatsscript is a wesbite information tool script which you can buy to run a website just like websiteoutlook. The information which will be available for a website after searching the website are given below :

  • Features :
  • domain age in years
  • when google bot last indexed the website
  • digg listing
  • dmoz listing given if exists
  • page rank of the website
  • back links from major search engines like yahoo, bing, google.
  • website value from various factors and website snapshot from open source api available over internet.

websiteoutlook clone script

By Sharma →